

Our brand starts with what we believe. Our beliefs are the soul of our brand and influence all creative expression.

Our brand foundation informs how we express the brand through visuals, language, and storytelling.


Our beliefs


The Bible is central.

God’s Word is at the center of everything we do.

Community is essential.

We recognize the importance of God’s design for community. We express that mentality by building relationships with partners, churches, and our global Community.

The Church should lead the way.

We’re passionate about helping people seek intimacy with God, and we lead the way with innovation because we wholeheartedly believe God’s Word is alive and active.

Brand Identity

Our beliefs can be simplified into 3 words: Scripture. Connection. Innovation.

Our core beliefs shape how people see us and how we communicate our values.

We value Scripture, Connection, Innovation, so people will perceive us as Trusted, Relational, Leaders and we will communicate these values using the expressions Warm, Real, Bold.